Sunday, August 8, 2010


Sunday, lovely Sunday... What do we have planned for the day... Grocery shopping, laundry, get everything organizes for the week, plan the dinner menu for the week make cupcakes, and last but not lease make sure it is all done before True Blood starts tonight.

So the hubby typically does not like the same shows that I do, especially if it has to do with vampires, however, this is the exception to the rule. He is just as addicted to this show as I am. I really think that it has a lot to do with the 'exposed' skin on the show but he claims that it is the story line that he really likes... hmmm isn't that what they say about 'those' magazines... I am just getting it for the articles??? Either way I am OK with it.

We, I say that term very loosely, got the exercise bike all put together and it works like a champ. And it kicked our butts last night. We are looking at the different iFit programs that you can add to it and with the hubby being a techy loves the idea of using the SD cards to put new programs on the bike.

Ohhhhh.... the Blue Angles just flew over the house, Seafair in Seattle... LOVE it. Gotta go watch now!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog......I 'm a Seattleite too; actually I live in Stanwood! Too bad the weather couldn't have been better for Seafair!
